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‘’Since knowing about the Gender Data Gap, I became eager to help close it so the female body gets the attention it needs in a mainly male-driven world.’’

Angelica Conraths - Co-Founder & Managing Director of fembites

Angelica Conraths, the co-founder of fembites, is on a mission to bridge the gender data gap and revolutionize care for over half of the world's population through scientifically-backed supplements.

Beyond fembites, Angelica is a driving force for change in the global landscape of gender data equality. As the Global Chair of "Gender Data Gap" at G100, she collaborates with huge organizations like the United Nations and the World Health Organization to advocate for inclusivity and fairness.

Can you tell us a little bit about your business?

fembites was founded in 2021 by my co-founder Jana Deckelmann and myself.
We are working towards bridging the gender data gap through improving care for more than half of the world's population through science and data backed supplements.
It all started when I stopped taking birth control pills after 14 years of intake and went through a horrendous back and forth between multiple doctors, all saying I was diagnostically healthy, whilst suffering from multiple symptoms linked to a hormonal
When I met Jana, we took matters into our own hands and slowly developed study-based solutions that would solve my most pressing symptoms such as hair loss, acne, mood swings, etc.

What should readers know about you? Apart from being the founder of fembites?

Since knowing about the Gender Data Gap, I became eager to help close it so the female body gets the attention it needs in a mainly male-driven world.

That’s why I joined the nonprofit organization G100 as the Global Chair of "Gender Data Gap", and hold a pivotal role in the pursuit of gender equality worldwide, working closely with esteemed partners such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

I am dedicated to ensuring that crucial information gaps are identified and filled, empowering policies and initiatives that foster inclusivity and fairness.

What motivated you to start fembites, and how does it aim to disrupt the female health market?

What motivated me the most (and still does till this day) was my own realization that neither I nor my surroundings, nor society at large, know so little about the female body because it is largely unexplored.

With fembites we’re developing science and data backed supplements that could really make a difference. The most commonly used and prescribed medication to address hormonal issues such as period pain, acne, hair loss, weight problems, etc. is still the pill. Hormone-free solutions based on science can offer a sustainable alternative to this.

How do you deal with challenges along the way while building your business?

Calmness: I learned about the power of breath and slow living. The startup world is full of noise and people who talk a lot. It is crucial to learn how to unwind, focus and take care of yourself to find your inner calmness.

Grit is very important:  I think. Building a business will put you through a lot of ups and downs. It definitely is a roller coaster, as they say. Having grit puts me through a lot of difficult situations. Because it’s not as easy as it seems from the outside.

Having a positive mindset: is something that I was lucky enough to have but there come times when it gets hard to see the positive and this is when I realized that I had the power to “re-train” that mindset.
And I would also say that the right people in my surroundings help with the right support when dealing with challenges. It is very important to surround yourself with the right people.

Are there any topics that are rarely discussed? And you would love to talk about?

Recently, we've witnessed an inspiring surge in startup creation driven by the contagious enthusiasm circulating through social media and our community.
Everywhere you look, there's encouragement to pursue your passions and seize opportunities.

While these sentiments are empowering, it's essential to approach entrepreneurship with thoughtful consideration. Starting a business is a journey filled with challenges, and I believe it's important to acknowledge the mental fortitude required. While the glamour of entrepreneurship is often highlighted, we should also shine a light on the realities and complexities involved.
Let's foster more open dialogue about the full spectrum of experiences in entrepreneurship, ensuring aspiring entrepreneurs are equipped with the knowledge and support they need to succeed.

Can you share with us your biggest lesson and advice for future female entrepreneurs?

I couldn’t just name one, as I learned a few very important lessons along the way but here are
my top 3:

  1. At the end of the day it’s all about EBITDA
    Building a business based on the vision of a better world is great, but it’s not a sustainable business, if the numbers don’t work out.

  2. Surround yourself with the right advisors
    There will be A LOT of people who will want to tell you what to do. Be careful! Choose the right advisors. If chosen right, it will change life as you know it.

  3. Take breaks, not holidays
    This is an unpopular opinion but if you want to sustain and avoid burning out after the first year(s) you should really set clear boundaries as to how much you work but be realistic about it. I’ve worked my fair share of weekends and believed the thought “next month, I’ll take a 1 week holiday and it’ll all be fine”. That’s not realistic. We all work a lot, that’s okay but the little breaks will keep you from burning out, the 1 week holiday won’t (+ it is not realistic to take a whole week off, sorry ladies).


Thank you Angelica for the Interview! We are happy to have you on Board as a Grace Alumna. 


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