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As a founder I am always a few steps ahead, constantly strategizing on how to grow the company forward. I prioritize delegation within my team and carving out dedicated focus time, to maintain clarity

Deniz Ficicioglu - Founder & CEO of BettaF!sh

Deniz Ficicioglu, the co-founder & CEO of BettaF!sh, which is a unique plant-based fish alternative made from seaweed that helps the oceans to recover and satisfies your craving for delicious tuna.

Deniz is an entrepreneurial force, a visionary leader and one of our Grace alumna who is paving the way for sustainable food innovation, and on a mission to transform the future of the food landscape by introducing innovative plant-based alternatives that are healthy and delicious but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Can you tell us a little bit about your business?

BettaF!sh is making seaweed the new mainstream food by not only developing the most authentic and delicious plant-based fish alternative out of European seaweed but also pushing forward the R&D of seaweed ingredients and making them accessible for the food industry. By that, we’re regenerating our oceans and ensuring an alternative, sustainable income source for fishing communities with seaweed farming.

What should readers know about you? Apart from being the founder of BettaF!sh and OCEANFRUIT?

My interest in food started when I developed a fructose and gluten intolerance. I stood in front of the supermarket shelves, read the ingredients one by one and

realized that we needed to change what we eat - for our own health but also for the planet.

Through this process, I came to recognize the power of food as a catalyst for positive change, both on a personal level and on a global scale. Each meal became an opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.

You are a very impact-driven entrepreneur developing many products and also brands to change the future of food. How do you stay focused? Or juggling so many things at the same time?

As a founder I’m always a few steps ahead of the rest of the team with my thoughts on how to grow the company.

I rely on a few key strategies to maintain my focus effectively:

Firstly, I prioritize delegation and empowerment within my team. By entrusting responsibilities and granting ownership to experts in their respective domains, I create an environment where innovative ideas can thrive independently, minimizing the need for constant micromanagement.

I strategically carve out dedicated focus time in my weekly calendar to address high-level strategic initiatives. This disciplined approach ensures that I remain aligned with our overarching goals while still managing the day-to-day operations efficiently.

Additionally, I recognize the importance of taking breaks to digest new information and rejuvenate my focus. Regular physical activity, like scheduled workouts during the day, helps clear my mind and enhances productivity.

By implementing these strategies, I'm able to strike a delicate balance between immediate demands and long-term aspirations. This enables me to navigate the

complexities of entrepreneurship with clarity and purpose. Ultimately, it's about ensuring that every action aligns with our mission to drive impact and innovation in the food industry.

Why do you believe that becoming an entrepreneur was the best decision for you and your professional journey?

Through Grace, I realized I possessed the necessary skills and knowledge to start my own business. Participating in the Grace program provided me with invaluable confidence and access to a supportive network of mentors and fellow founders.

This network has been crucial in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship. I thrive in the fast-paced, ever-changing environment of entrepreneurship and am passionate about making a positive impact on the planet. Overall, entrepreneurship aligns perfectly with my strengths and allows me to bring my vision to life while empowering others thrive alongside me.

Do you have any tips for future and early-stage female founders?

Navigating the entrepreneurial landscape as a female founder can be both exhilarating and challenging. Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

  1. Be prepared that running your own business will be a rollercoaster ride. Have fun and make sure you have enough energy for it.
  1. Look for allies. Find strong partners in production, in retail, among investors, mentors and friends. Don't try to solve everything on your own.
  1. Nobody knows your vision better than you! Listen often and carefully to what others say, but in the end you set the direction.


Thank you Deniz for the Interview! We are happy to have you on Board as a Grace Alumna. 


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